Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Thrifty Acres: Color Me Thrifty

Hello! Well, it's been awhile since I last posted - a home renovation project and several out-of-town trips have kept me absent from my blog. But here I am again, and I have a colorful post today. 

I'll start off with this:

Ed-u-Cards' Color Bingo game, produced in 1952. The box is a little beat-up, but hey, the game's 67 years old after all. 

From the front cover: "Color Bingo with Special Peg Spinner and Wooden Covering Counters. A New, Improved Bingo Game...Faster, Easier and More Fun For Children And Adults"

Sounds fantastic, right? So let's take a look inside:

The bingo cards and the "Special Peg Spinner" certainly are colorful, what with those sections of blue, yellow, red, green and orange. Those colors remind me of the Colorforms sets I used to play with when I was a kid. 

I don't know if the game is complete; I suspect that a few cards are missing; maybe some pegs and counters are too. No matter, it's still an interesting look for a bingo game and one I hadn't encountered before. 

Another close-up:

You can see the dark pink wooden pegs on the "Special Peg Spinner" on the right - so now you know why the spinner has that name!

As to why this bingo game is "faster, easier and more fun for children and adults"? Well, for one thing, there's two sections on the spinner for each color, so I suppose that would, indeed, make the game go faster. It did not take me long to get the bingo show above. Perhaps the ease of winning bingos makes this version "more fun". But I'm not sure about the "easier" part - it's played the same as any other bingo game!

Moving on to another colorful thrift store purchase:

Two vintage beverage mugs, labeled with "Japan" on the bottoms. I don't know what year these are from, but I'm guessing from the 1960's or 1970's. Two very different floral designs but I love them both. Bonus points for the tulips on the bottom mug, since I live in a town famed for that flower. 

And speaking of tulips, they're just beginning to bloom around town, and the annual festival honoring them begins the first weekend of May. And these colors from nature are even better than those found on thrift store finds!

1 comment:

  1. I especially love that those cups easily stack! How fun!
