Saturday, November 17, 2018

Thrifty Acres: The Miracle Of "Modern" Radiology

Hello! Recently I bought a small plastic case full of vintage needlework supplies at a church rummage sale. Sure, I was glad about my one-dollar purchase, but the icing on the cake was this unexpected find at the bottom of the case:

A vintage medically-theme booklet: "prepared by E. R. Squibb & Sons", as it states on the inside back cover. But here, the front cover shows a woman dressed up in dress, heels, hat and gloves to visit the radiology department.

Not sure what year this booklet was produced, but judging by the clothing, I'd say sometime in the 1950's or 1960's. 

So, why is Milady heading to Radiology? We'll learn that soon, but first we must learn this:

Yes, indeed, "X-rays are medical tools of great importance"!

Now we get to the crux of the matter: "Sometimes the gallbladder or ducts become infected or stopped up. If your gallbladder is not functioning properly, you may feel indisposed". Milady may feel merely "indisposed", but the illustration shows her grimacing with the pain in her side. 

But never fear! "The radiologist is a specialist. He has had years of training and experience." 

Therefore: "Pretend that you are going to have your picture taken and sit back and leave all the details to your radiologist or his technician. They will take one or more pictures and the procedure will be entirely free of discomfort and pain". 

Things must have gone well, for the back cover shows this illustration:

Milady's "picture taking" finished, she is now fluffing up her hair. After all, it must have gotten mussed up from having to put on the hospital gown shown in the previous photo. 

All's well that ends well, thanks to the miracle of modern radiology! 

(Note: if the name "E.R. Squibb & Sons" sounds familiar, it's because the firm is now part of Bristol-Meyer Squibb company. Edward Robinson Squibb had a very full life in medicine: he worked as a Navy doctor during the Mexican-American War, and after that started his pharmaceutical manufacturing business in 1858. He obviously had success in this endeavor quickly, for his firm became a major medicine supplier for the Union Army during the Civil War. The Squibb company merged with Bristol-Meyer in 1989.)


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